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Congratulations to Guangdong Ke Long Biotechnology Co., Ltd. and South China University of Technology for building a practice base

 On the morning of April 11, 2017, Guangdong Ke Long Biotechnology Co., Ltd. and South China University of Technology held the opening ceremony of the joint practice base. Mr. Li Yingming, Chairman and General Manager of Guangdong Ke Long Biotechnology Co., Ltd. and the Associate School of Food Science and Engineering College of South China University of Technology Mr. Chang Wenwen and other relevant leaders attended the unveiling ceremony.


Before the opening ceremony, a symposium was held. The leaders of the two sides delivered speeches and congratulations on the strategic significance of the cooperation. I wish the two sides to play their respective advantages in cooperation, strengthen cooperation and communication, build the base better, and cultivate more excellent society. Practical combat talents promote the development of enterprises.


The university and the enterprise jointly build a practice base to build a platform for school-enterprise cooperation. This is a good opportunity for schools, enterprises and students to realize resource sharing and common development. For the cooperation between the two parties, Mr. Li Yingming, Chairman and General Manager of Guangdong Cologne Biotechnology Co., Ltd. pointed out that the company is in a stage of rapid development and needs a large number of outstanding talents and the support of universities and research institutes. The company is confident to practice the base. Well, to become a bond and bridge for cooperation, and hope to achieve mutual benefits through cooperation in production, learning and research.

